Monday, April 3, 2017

Sprint 6 reflections

Well this learning reflection is going to be short as spring break got in the way and well I was lazy over the break and didn’t accomplish as much as I would have liked. I will say that this whole experience so far has been decent, but has had its challenges to me. It has taken a while to get to where we are at and when we finally got issues the semester is half over so that is kind of frustrating, but like with anything in life, things don’t always go as planned. We have been working on an issue to do with logging out while you are editing a form and it is not saving your data. The whole team has been assigned to separate parts of this and my part was to figure out the routing to use when it was all said and done. Upon looking into the issue though I cannot do the route until someone else does their part so I was kind of at a standstill in a sense. I have become more familiar with the projects code though and I happy about that. After discussing the issues we found out that we were looking at the issue wrong and were now waiting on the folks at ampath to get back to us. I will quote a team member as to what we need to work with no, “So the actual problem with the code is that the confirmation dialogue is being run asynchronously using an observable. Which means as soon as the observable is made it is being returned regardless of whether you have clicked accept or not. Which means the value that's returned by canDeactivate is neither true nor false which is what glitches out the routing. Supposedly, if you make the return value of canDeactivate, Observable<boolean> it'll wait for the returned Observable to complete before judging the activation but for some reason that's not working.”

So what initially seemed to be straight forward has proved to be a bit more challenging as we get further into the proverbial can of worms and are now trying to come up with a plan of attack at this. I like how this is unfolding though as I am learning a lot even though it doesn’t seem like we have done a whole lot we are still learning about what problems and issues can arise while tackling a bug and the process of working together as a team as well as using electronic communication and the various tools at our disposal to solve the issue. I am confident that this issue will be solved now that we have a direction to go in and I am looking forward to tackling the next challenge. We are going to be pairing up and doing some pair programming for the next issues. I have never done this in practice and am looking forward to it. I have read enough on it and it seems like a good way to do things.

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