In my blog
exploration on testing I see that it seems that testing has changed
in how it is done over the years. I am still green when it comes to
testing and well the development process in general so I can only
speak on what I read about and the limited testing that I ave
actually done so far. I am looking forward to see how this blog
evolve over not only this semester, but my career. For this week I
chose to talk a little about Agile development and testing.
I have noticed in a
few articles that some companies, well maybe more than some have
split teams that don’t communicate with each other effectively or
at all in some cases. When I say teams I am talking about testing and
dev teams. What happens is people end up passing the buck when
something doesn’t go right or the customer runs into issues with
the product. What I like about the Agile methodology is that the
testers or at least someone from the team is in with the dens so unit
testing can be written when they decide to make changes to the code
or what not. The blog article that I read had explained that in the
company talked about there were big issues because there wasn’t any
transparency between teams for a while and that once they adopted the
agile style, things started to turn around.
All in all, from
what I can gather this seems like a great ideology to follow and
lends to a better office environment and better over all
cohesiveness. I look forward to actually putting some of these
techniques into practice in the future and get excited as I read and
do and learn more every day.
Defining Agile:
Software Testing Help Blog:
Write Clean Code For Your Tests:
The Evolution of The Testing Pyramid:
My Unexpected Journey To Becoming a Tester: